
The workshop is intended to bring together and facilitate discussions between theorists working on various phenomenological aspects of the Standard Model and New Physics. Topics include high energy unification of quark and lepton matter, the origin of fermionic flavors, dark matter and astroparticle physics, and approaches to strongly coupled quark systems in QCD.

The participation is by invitation only. There is no workshop fee.

Venue and accommodation

BelicaThe workshop will take place at the Belica agroturism in Goriška Brda, a Slovenian wine-growing region extending over the state border with Italy.

Please check the map to see the location.

Tentative Schedule

Wednesday (October 11): workshop starts with dinner at the conference venue.

Thursday (October 12): talks and discussions, workshop dinner.

Friday (October 13): talks and discussions, workshop ends after lunch.

Thursday (October 12) - morning
9:00Sebastian Jaeger: B-physics rare decay anomalies 2017 (35'+5')
9:40Olcyr Sumensari: 2HDM and Flavor Physics (35'+5')
10:20Coffee break (30')
10:50Leonid Glozman: SU(2N_F) symmetry of confinement and its observation at high temperature (35'+5')
11:30Victor Guada: False vacuum decay with multiple scalar fields (15'+5')
12:00Phys-The-Twin: Twinning project meeting

Thursday (October 12) - afternoon
14:30Ian Low: The subtlety of hiding a light and effective Z-prime at the LHC (35'+5')
15:10Francesco Sannino: Fundamental theories of nature - realising the Wilson's dream (35'+5')
15:50Coffee break (30')
16:20Damir Bečirević: B-Physics and Lepton Flavor (Universality) Violation (35'+5')
17:00Martin Jung: Bounds on new physics from EDMs (35'+5')
19:00Dinner at a local restaurant

Friday (October 13) - morning
9:00Pedro Schwaller: Emerging jets - with flavour (35'+5')
9:40Alexandr Azatov: Measurements of anomalous TGC at LHC (35'+5')
10:20Coffee break (30')
10:50Darius A. Faroughy: 4 top quarks at the LHC (15'+5')
11:10Urša Skerbiš: Simulating P_{c}^{+} channel in the lattice QCD (15'+5')
11:30Aleks Smolkovič: RK and CP asymmetry in B --> K\mu\mu (15'+5')

Social event

kabaj Workshop dinner on Thursday, October 12, in a local restaurant.


The workshop is jointly organized by

Previous Brda workshops

Local organizing committee