Travel information

There are several ways how one can reach Portorož.

By plane

The nearest international airport is Trieste, Ronchi dei Legionari (I), 74 km from Portorož. Other convenient choices are Ljubljana, Brnik (SI) at 143 km, Venice (I) at 190 km and Klagenfurt (A) at 196 km.

Transfers from the nearby airports can be booked here. For additional information please do contact us.

By road

Portorož is located 125 km from Ljubljana (SI), 252 km from Zagreb (HR), 33 km from Trieste (I), 190 km from Venice (I), 490 km from Vienna (A), 485 km from Munich (D).

If you arrive by car do not forget to buy a vignette for the Slovenian toll roads. Vignettes can be purchased on all petrol stations in Slovenia, Italy, Austria and in Croatia and in branch offices of automobile clubs.

By train

The nearest railway station in Koper is 16 km away. It is reachable by train through Ljubljana. Info:

Also at a convenient distance of 38 km is the railway station of Trieste (I). Info:

Transfers from the nearby train stations can be booked here. For additional information please do contact us.

By bus

Portorož is reachable from Trieste (I) (Info: or and Ljubljana (Info:


Internet access

Free wireless internet access will be provided for all workshop participants within the conference venue for the duration of the workshop.

Social Events

For participants of the workshop all social events are covered by the registration fee. Accompanying persons' fee covers excursion, social activities, and conference dinner.

Welcome Reception

Tuesday evening, September 21

Conference Dinner

Thursday, September 23


Friday (September 24) afternoon, more details to folow soon